Why join DUPR?
By claiming your account you can earn a rating when you participate in DUPR events. Ratings are calculated by a dynamic algorithm factoring in wins & losses as well as points won.
DUPR will not only help you determine which level you should sign up for when entering events but, it will also help tournament and league directors know that players are scheduled to play at their correct skill level.
DUPR is free to join. Here's how it works:
If you have more questions regarding DUPR, or need assistance signing up, please contact us. We are happy to help you get started. You may also contact DUPR support directly at support@mydupr.com.
PE Springhurst and PE Pro Shop
4109 Simcoe Lane, Louisville, KY 40241
4209 Gardiner View Avenue, Louisville, KY 40213
pickleballeuphoria@gmail.com | (502) 905-3301
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I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13 NKJV